PT Cipta Kridatama
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1
Jakarta 12560
Phone.: +62 21 2997 6866
Fax.: +62 21 2997 6867
Website: https://www.ciptakridatama.co.id/
The year 2010 marked as the Company’s milestone as CK joined the ABM Group. Three years later, the Company focused on developing its business by penetrating into construction services. This is done so to expand business networks and provide integrated solutions in various industries, such as mining, oil and gas, geothermal, industrial plants, and public infrastructure.
CK offers comprehensive services in solutions in mining and project management, from surveying and exploration, mine modeling and design, drilling, earthmoving and to coal transportation. All construction activities carried out by CK are supported by the best equipments from PT Trakindo Utama which is ABM’s Sister company as a supplier and distributor for the Caterpillar equipment in Indonesia.
Accompanied by various kinds of breakthroughs and innovations, Cipta Kridatama is able to provide all trusted needs in the mining construction activities.
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