The Important of ISO 37001: 2016 Anti Bribery Management System

In recent years, we have often heard a number of Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) stating that they have received ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification or what is usually called an Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP). There are several reasons why this certification process is mostly carried out by BUMN, one of which is because of the Letter from the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Number S-35/MBU/01/2020 dated 10 January 2020 concerning the Implementation of an Anti-Bribery Management System in BUMN as Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2018 concerning the National Strategy for Preventing Corruption, which was then followed by the issuance of a Letter from the Ministry of BUMN Number S-17/S.MBU/02/2020 dated 17 February 2020 concerning ISO 37001:2016 Certification of Anti-Bribery Management Systems in BUMN.
Based on these two letters, all BUMN are competing to carry out the ISO 37001 certification process to this day. The enthusiasm for certification within BUMN is a positive thing and we must support it in efforts to increase the prevention of criminal acts of bribery.
Meanwhile, for the private sector, there are no special provisions that require the ISO 37001 certification process, but for private companies that have a high awareness of the importance of carrying out the process of preventing criminal acts of bribery in the company or business environment, the company will try to carry out the ISO 37001 certification process so that it can creating clean corporate governance.
Anti-Bribery Management System
The Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) is published by one of the international institutions which operates in the field of standardization of industrial and commercial management systems, namely ISO (International Organization for Standardization). SMAP or ISO 37001:2016 provides guidance to organizations in the public, private and non-profit sectors to prevent criminal acts of bribery.
For the publication of the ISO 37001 standard, carried out by the ISO Institute on January 1 2016, the ISO 37001 standard is the first international anti-bribery management system standard designed to help organizations combat the risk of bribery in their own operations and throughout the business processes in their organization. The implementation of ISO 37001:2016 in Indonesia is handed over to the National Standardization Agency, as a government institution that carries out government tasks in the field of standardization and conformity assessment with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
ISO 37001:2016 clause
Like other ISO standards such as ISO 9001, 14001 which have clauses that must be implemented, ISO 37001:2016 also has 10 clauses which are requirements that must be implemented, starting from clauses 4 to 10, while clauses 1, 2, and 3 contain scope of standards, normative references, terms and definitions.
The clauses 4 to 10 of the ISO 37001:2016 Standard are as follows: Clause 4 Organizational Context, Clause 5 Leadership, Clause 6 Planning, Clause 7 Support, Clause 8 Operations, Clause 9 Performance Evaluation, Clause 10 Improvement, Non-conformity and corrective action, Continuous improvement
The ten clauses above must be owned and implemented by the organization before the certification audit process is carried out by an external party who has qualifications as an ISO 37001 implementation assessment consultant.
Benefits of implementing ISO for companies
The implementation of ISO 37001 certification by companies can be a tool to prevent bribery in companies and other business partners. Periodic monitoring and routine internal audits are mandatory as proof of the company's commitment to anti-bribery in addition to routine audits from the ISO 37001 external auditor.
The following are some of the benefits of implementing the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System for companies, including:
- Increase credibility as a company that complies with government regulations and implements anti-bribery policies in all its business activities
- Increase confidence in management and company owners, as well as funders, shareholders, customers, creditors and other business partners, that the company has implemented good corporate governance processes, by carrying out anti-bribery control efforts
- Give pride to the management and owners of the company, as well as funders, shareholders, customers, creditors and other business partners, that the company has received international recognition in carrying out anti-bribery controls
- Helping to develop the company's business, by opening opportunities to take part in the business/auction process which requires ISO 37001 certification in the process
ISO 37001 Certification Process at ABM
As one of the companies under the TMT Group, its core values are Integrity, Continuous Development, Excellence, Proactive, Accountability, Team Work, So starting in early 2022, ABM plans to carry out the ISO 37001 certification process. In carrying out this certification process, ABM will be accompanied by consultant PT Robere Management Indonesia.
The ISO 37001 certification process will be carried out in the period July – November 2022. ABM success in obtaining ISO 37001 certification is not the end of efforts to prevent criminal acts of bribery, but is the beginning of efforts to create a business climate that is free from bribery, as long as these efforts are carried out properly and consistent.