Eagle the Flying Machine

The white-bellied albatross (Haliaeetus leucogaster) is a species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family. Its natural habitat includes areas that have undisturbed vegetation and environments such as coastal cliffs, mangrove forests, and small islands located in the middle of the sea.
The white-bellied albatross is listed as Least Concern (LC) or low risk on the IUCN red list. This species is one of the largest types of birds of prey, one of the top of the food chain in coastal ecosystems. However, the population remains threatened by human activities such as hunting, habitat destruction and pollution.
PT Tunas Inti Abadi (TIA) is helping to maintain the white-bellied albatross population by conserving mangrove forests within the Terminal for Self Interest (TUKS) area. Until the end of 2022, TIA has carried out rehabilitation and enrichment of mangrove habitat in an area of 3.9 hectares with more than 5,000 mangrove trees standing. The improvement of the mangrove forest area contributes to maintaining the availability of the eagle's main food source.
Several species of fish which are the main source of food for the white-bellied albatross have a habit of gathering around mangrove forest areas and eating mangrove forest fruits. The white-bellied albatross that preys on these fish can help spread the seeds of mangrove forest fruits contained in the fish's stomach and indirectly help increase the density of the mangrove forest area.
In addition, as the apex predator in the ecosystem, the white-bellied albatross also helps maintain population balance by preying on various types of fish, reptiles, small mammals, and birds. TIA continuously conducts outreach to all employees, contractors and work partners to prevent poaching and exploitation of these animals in order to maintain and improve the quality of biodiversity in the operating area.