Earth Restoration

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) have increased significantly in the last few decades. According to the latest report from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), in 2019, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has reached the highest level in human history, exceeding previous levels in the past for millions of years.
The most common and significant GHG emissions released into the atmosphere are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen oxides (N2O). In general, GHG emissions are divided into two types, namely direct emissions which refer to emissions released directly from sources owned or controlled by an organization, such as emissions from fuel combustion; and indirect emissions which refer to emissions released as a result of an organization's activities, but are not owned or controlled by the organization, for example the use of electricity for production value chain processes.
The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has projected a reduction in Indonesia's GHG emission intensity by up to 22 percent through the Low Carbon Development Indonesia (LCCI) scheme. ABM as a company that has a commitment to respond to climate change, seeks to contribute by controlling GHG emissions. Several approaches have been taken by ABM in achieving commitments to reduce GHG emissions, including:
- Regular measurement and monitoring of direct and indirect emissions through e-reporting;
- Utilization of Biodiesel and fuel efficiency programs for production equipment;
- Use of energy-efficient production support equipment such as electric forklifts, LED lights, inverter air conditioners, solar panels, and so on;
- Conversion of fuel-fired generator sets to use electricity from PLN.