CKB Group Supports the Development of Indonesia's Oil and Gas Sector

The active role of CKB Group in supporting the improvement of the oil and gas sector and the national economy through participation in the 2022 National Capacity Pre Forum (PFKN) event
BALIKPAPAN, 23 June 2022 — Logistics is one of the essential factors that support the development of the oil and gas sector. Realizing this, PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Group) as an integrated logistics service provider participated in the 2022 National Capacity Pre Forum (PFKN) event in Balikpapan which was organized by the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) with the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS). Also attending the 2022 PKFN event, the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Si and his staff.
The presence of the CKB Group in this event is part of the company's ongoing commitment to supporting the fulfillment of customer supply chains in various industrial fields, especially the oil and gas sector, as well as making a positive contribution to improving the national economy.
Iman Sjafei, Chief Executive Officer of CKB Group explained, CKB Group is always present by providing integrated logistics management services that are effective and efficient in the process of upstream oil and gas logistics operations. "CKB Group's participation in the PFKN 2022 event held in Balikpapan is expected to encourage industrial development, especially the oil and gas sector and have a positive impact on the national economy," explained Iman.
The implementation of the PFKN 2022 Balikpapan itself is part of a national event held in five cities, Surabaya, Batam, Sorong, Balikpapan and Palembang, where each of these cities represents the SKK Migas operation area. In this year's participation, CKB Group will take part in the event in two cities, namely Balikpapan, June, 21-23 and Palembang, which will be held on July, 5-7.
"With more than 25 years of experience in cargo transportation and logistics from the oil and gas and non-oil and gas sectors throughout Indonesia to remote areas of the country, CKB Group is optimistic that it can support supply chain fulfillment for oil and gas industry players, especially CKB Group as a subsidiary of the Indonesian oil and gas industry. ABM Investama (ABM) of course also gets full support from the ecosystem under the auspices of Tiara Marga Trakindo (TMT Group)," added Iman.
In supporting the improvement of the country's oil and gas industry, CKB Group prioritizes an integrated and reliable logistics system with a wide range of services. To date, CKB Group has reached 41 areas with 34 cities and 21 provinces throughout Indonesia, including cities and areas that are difficult to reach by commercial transportation. In addition, CKB Group also has a global network spread across 40 strategic global partners in 7 regions and has held a license from the government as a Bonded Logistics Manager (“PLB”) operator spread across 4 regions in Indonesia, and an Authorized Economic Operator Certification (“AEO”) of the World Customs Organization. While specifically for the Balikpapan area, CKB Group also has various services that customers can choose from, ranging from freighter services with 14 regular routes a week, Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) to warehouse management.
As a further step in efforts to improve sustainable logistics services, CKB Group also synergizes with all ABM Group entities in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Various activities have also been carried out, ranging from K3 training for Puskesmas officers, planting seedlings and conserving mangrove forests with other ABM Group subsidiaries, to competency improvement programs for school teachers with special needs (Rumah Autism). "We believe that by supporting the SDGs through the implementation of strong ESG in companies, it can improve performance in a sustainable manner and also better competitiveness for companies, and all entities" concluded Iman.