Consistently Apply ESG, ABM Wins Award 2022 Corporate Emissions

Real company support for achieving national and international emission reduction targets
JAKARTA, April 22, 2022 – ABM won an award at the 2022 Corporate Emissions Award event for “Transparency in Calculation of Corporate Emissions in the Gold Category Issuer Sector”, through the awarding of Corporate Emissions 2022 which was held virtually, Friday (22/4) which was also a series of commemorations of the World Day. Earth. The purpose of this award is as a form of appreciation for the Calculation and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from various industrial sectors.
This confirms the commitment of PT ABM Investama Tbk (IDX: ABMM) in implementing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Andi Djajanegara as the President Director of ABM explained that getting the award for the second time is a form of the Corporation's real support in building awareness to protect the earth. "Receiving the award for 'Transparency in Calculation of Corporate Emissions in the Issuer Sector in the Gold Category' as a manifestation of the company's steps in managing emissions is given for the company's achievements in implementing the principles of sustainability and good ESG," said Andi.
Receiving this latest award shows ABM's seriousness in implementing ESG and SDGs in its business sustainability strategy. Previously, ABM has also received various similar awards, including; “Bronze Winner” award for the Corporate Report category, sub category of Sustainability Report at the prestigious annual Public Relations Indonesia Award (PRIA) 2022. Award from ICEA 2022 for the “Corporate Winner” category with a rating of “Excellence in Green and Environmental Management ” and “Best Innovations and Initiatives in Global CSR”, ranked “Silver Rank” in the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2021 (ASSRAT) event.
Andi further explained that, ABM always strives to manage its operational activities based on good ESG management and in line with the SDGs. “ABM seeks to provide credible public information transparency for all its stakeholders through the Sustainability Report. This report is part of ABM's commitment in an effort to pass down positive values that have a broad impact as ABM advances to a sustainable future," concluded Andi.
The 2022 Corporate Emissions Awards event is the result of a collaboration between Berita Satu Media Group and the Bumi Global Karbon Foundation, which is a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). The assessment criteria itself is carried out by ranking a number of corporations based on the highest emission reduction criteria. In addition, assurance for the emission calculation is also an assessment criterion.