Supporting Community Development, SSB Presents a Training of Trainer Program

SSB's Sustainability Commitment in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the East Kalimantan region
JAKARTA, 06 April 2022 — Improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) is one of the important investments in realizing national development priorities until 2024, realizing this, PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) which is a subsidiary of PT ABM Investama Tbk (IDX: ABMM), held a sustainable CSR program, namely Training of Trainers (ToT) as a form of SSB's commitment to supporting the improvement of the quality of human resources, and regional productivity, as well as encouraging economic growth in the East Kalimantan region.
Johan Budisusetija as Director of PT SSB explained that the presence of the CSR ToT Program is in line with the company's vision, which is to continuously create decent and quality jobs for as many Indonesians as possible. "SSB is always committed to the welfare of the community, especially those around the operational area on an ongoing basis with quality education and skill improvement so that people have decent jobs, so that they can support regional economic growth," explained Johan.
This activity was carried out thanks to the good partnership between SSB and educational institutions as well as business partners around the operational area, namely PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), SMKN 1 Balikpapan, and also the East Kutai Independent Industrial Job Training Center (BBLKI). In practice, each participant has gone through a series of activities, starting from welding training at the SSB Training Center, On Job Training (OJT) for a week at the Balikpapan SSB Workshop, to training ahead of certification from BNSP. Furthermore, the participants took the BNSP KKNI certification exam level 3, after success, the participants were declared competent and received direct certification from BNSP.
Febriana Kurniasari as Superintendent Community Health and Education of PT KPC explained that the collaboration between KPC and BLK East Kutai has been running for a long time, especially in East Kutai community development programs, while SSB is one of KPC's largest contractors. "We welcome and support this program, because this program is also in line with our goals to improve the skills of the people of East Kutai so that local children can have maximum opportunities and can be absorbed in the industry," he explained.
The CSR implementation of the ToT program is aimed at supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are global and national commitments in an effort to improve the welfare of the community which includes 17 goals. With the holding of this ToT Program, SSB supports sustainable development at least 3 goals including Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.
"We realize that efforts to achieve the TPB/SDGs targets are a national development priority which of course requires synergy from various parties. Therefore, we would like to thank all parties who have helped make the program a success, as well as again invite all elements of society to take part and support the goals of this program, “said Johan.