ABM Investama cooperates with WIME in opening the Gender Equality Room

Jakarta, 24 July 2019 – PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABM) together with the Woman in Mining & Energy (WIME) association held a public discussion on the theme of Women and Access to Community Empowerment Programs. This activity aims to realize community empowerment programs especially for women around the ABM mining area to operate to be more independent and self-reliant.
The theme raised is in line with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No.41 of 2016 concerning Community Development and Empowerment in Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.
Achmad Ananda Djajanegara, President Director of ABM said that ABM as an integrated mining and energy company currently operates two mines in Aceh and South Kalimantan and continues to provide added value to the women's community around the mining area.
"One of ABM's missions is to be actively involved in the community as a good corporate citizen, we invite communities in the mining area especially women to enter work related to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering / Engineering and Mathematics) fields."
ABM, which operates the mining value chain from upstream to downstream, seeks to be an integrated learning tool for STEM graduate workers through its community empowerment program, in addition to STEM as well as the vanguard for the efficiency of a company's operations.
In the structure of social order in society, the role of women is key to sustainability. Women can contribute to economic improvement, especially in the area around the mine area, as well as bequeathing the values of wisdom between generations. Practices in the field still face challenges in women's limited access to independent competency development facilities, resulting in empowerment programs often in the form of philanthropy or short-term programs that are less suitable to women's needs.
"At present the majority of our employees are still more male, but several strategic positions in the ABM group are managed by women. We do not differentiate gender and they have the same opportunity to work in offices and on-site, this proves that women can also play a role as reliable mining professionals, "concluded Achmad Ananda Djajanegara.