Reduction of Stunting Rate Targeted to Reach 14 Percent, CKB Logistics Launches CSR Program BUNDA PAS in Surabaya

President Joko Widodo has set a target this year to reduce the prevalence of stunting by up to 14 percent, as 4.7 million toddlers in Indonesia are at risk of stunting. The government has called on private sector participation to contribute to tackling stunting, prompting PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics) to launch the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program BUNDA PAS.
Initiated by a subsidiary of PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM), the program targets the Sememi area in Surabaya, East Java. The launch of the Care for Healthy Nutrition (BUNDA PAS) program in Surabaya is CKB Logistics' initiative to collaborate with the government in supporting national health programs, aiming to ensure the future development of the nation's next generation.
"The government's targeted reduction in stunting prevalence can be achieved if we as a community take part. CKB Logistics is committed to continually collaborate and support the Indonesian government in national health programs. With strong synergy, the target reduction in stunting rates in Indonesia is expected to be achieved, ensuring a brighter future for the nation's future generations," said Chief Executive Officer of CKB Logistics, Iman Sjafei, following the event on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
Through the BUNDA PAS program, CKB Logistics provides nutritious food packages to 50 toddlers at risk of stunting in four neighborhoods. These packages include eggs, milk, and vitamins aimed at improving children's growth and development.
"The BUNDA PAS program in Surabaya was attended by representatives from the Benowo district and four neighborhoods, namely Tambak Osowilangun, Sememi, Kandangan, and Romokalisari. Moving forward, CKB Logistics will continue to align business acceleration with ESG pillars, particularly the Social pillar, through sustainable CSR programs," said Iman.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ratih Sekar Ayu, M.Kes, Head of Sememi Community Health Center, appreciated CKB Logistics' initiative in assisting the government in addressing the nutritional quality of Indonesian children. She noted that CKB Logistics' program is a concrete step towards reducing stunting rates in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya.
Collaboration among stakeholders can continue to prevent and reduce stunting rates in Indonesia. Beyond being a shared responsibility, addressing this issue requires education on balanced nutrition, environmental sanitation, and regular pregnancy check-ups.
"CKB Logistics' efforts to tackle stunting issues are expected to inspire all parties. As we all know, stunting is caused by chronic malnutrition over a long period, especially during the first 1,000 days of a child's life, and contributes to a 30 percent reduction in stunting. Nutrition interventions typically occur during pregnancy until the baby is born. Hopefully, there will be more collaborations among stakeholders in the future to achieve the reduction in stunting rates," Ratih emphasized.
The BUNDA PAS program in Surabaya is a continuation of CKB Logistics' efforts alongside its subsidiaries PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) and PT Prima Wiguna Parama (PWP), both subsidiaries of PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM). Previously, a similar program was conducted in Sukapura, Cilincing, North Jakarta in August last year, targeting 53 toddlers. Since the launch of the BUNDA PAS program, 13 toddlers have successfully graduated from the program to date.