Improving ESG Implementation, ABM Investama Focuses on Implementing Sustainable Environmental Governance

Jakarta, 18 April 2023 - PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABM) continues to encourage synergies with its subsidiaries in paying attention to sustainable environmental management in every company's operational activities. As a business group engaged in the energy sector, environmental aspects are the most important factor in ensuring the sustainability of the ABM Group's business.
"After winning the AAA (triple A) leadership title at the 2022 ESG Disclosure Awards event organized by BeritaSatu Media Holding Group and Bumi Global Carbon Foundation with assessment criteria including the leading ESG from the Nasdaq Helsinki capital market, the framework and provisions of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), as well as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). So that the company is increasingly committed to improving and paying attention to environmental factors and benefits for the surrounding community. ABM wants the community to feel the presence of the company both from an environmental and social perspective," said ABM President Director Andi Djajanegara.
One focus of implementing the company's commitment to the environment is waste management. Improper waste management can not only threaten the balance of the ecosystem/environment, but can also affect the company's operations and reputation which will ultimately affect the sustainability of the company's business. Therefore, ABM has environmental standards and policies in waste management that are updated regularly to participate in preserving the environment.
One of the wastes most widely used by ABM is the reuse of used coal transport tires which are used for erosion control facilities, strengthening drainage structures, and safety facilities on coal hauling routes. Until 2022 the amount of utilization of used tires to support facilities and infrastructure can reach 13.57 tons.
In addition to utilizing used tires, the company also utilizes organic waste from food leftovers from canteens and mess halls as raw material for compost. The company also works with local suppliers at the district and provincial levels, both private and village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) in purchasing organic fertilizer which will then be used for reclamation and revegetation activities. In 2022, the company will purchase 16,000 kg of organic fertilizer for compost, 708,700 kg for cow manure, and 24 sets of rice husks or the equivalent of 192 cubic meters of rice husk load.
"The waste management that has been carried out by the company so far is based on the company's concern for the long-term impact on the environment and the community around the company. In addition, the company wants to participate in supporting the government's target of reducing waste and having good waste management from upstream to downstream by implementing the 3R principles (reduce, reuse and recycle)," explained ABM Director Adrian Erlangga Sjamsul.
In addition to waste management, the company has also run a volunteer program called Beach Clean Up as a form of employee and management participation in an effort to preserve the ocean which has been carried out routinely every year since 2017. This activity has been carried out in several areas including Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), Tanah Bambu (South Kalimantan), and Meulaboh (Aceh).
ABM Investama as an integrated energy company will continue to demonstrate the company's commitment to implementing good ESG, by always paying attention to the impact of each of the company's activities on the environment and surroundings. This awareness is not only corporate social responsibility, but these values are implemented and passed on to employees and the entire company ecosystem.