Increase Regional Competitiveness, SSB-KPC-BLKI Mandiri Kutim Presents Welding Development Program (WDP)

Sustainable commitment of SSB, KPC and BLKI Mandiri Kutai Timur in building quality human resources around the company's operational area, especially in the Kutai area East, and supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia.
East Kutai, February 6th 2023 - Industrial engineering engineering companies especially in the field of energy, PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) which is also a subsidiary of PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABM) closing the series of Sangatta CSR Welding Development Program (WDP) programs this year By graduating 16 competent young men who are ready to compete in the world of work. The presence of the program this is a form of SSB and KPC's commitment in supporting the program government for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia, Especially in building the quality of human resources around the company's operational areas. In addition, the agenda of the closing event which took place at the Independent Industrial Work Training Center East Kutai was also attended by the Regent of East Kutai Drs. H. Ardiansyah Sulaiman, M.Si along with its ranks.
Johan Budisusetija as Director of SSB explained that the implementation of this program is the result of CSR synergy between PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB), PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), and East Kutai Independent Industrial Work Training Center. "We thank all parties who have supported, especially PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), and Job Training Center East Kutai Independent Industry for the synergy that is established, so that this WDP program can be well organized. We also congratulate the 16 participants who have declared competent by BNSP and certified 3G FCAW welding," explained Johan.
In line with Johan, the Regent of East Kutai, Drs. H. Ardiansyah Sulaiman, M.Si saying "thank you to all parties, especially PT Kaltim Prima Coal for in collaboration with the East Kutai Regency Independent Work Training Center and PT Sanggar Sarana Baja in preparing residents of East Kutai community who want to understand and increase knowledge, especially in the field of welding. WDP participants the first has been given a practical education and is expected to be useful to compete in the work industry will be," said Drs. H. Ardiansyah Sulaiman, M.Si.
The Welding Development Program (WDP) is a collaboration program between PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB), PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), and Industrial Work Training Center (BLKI) Independent Kutai Timur. This program aims to provide welding expertise to the participants in order to have the preparation and ability to be a workforce that is ready to compete. This year's WDP program has been implemented runs from November 9th, 2022 to February 3rd, 2023. To date, the WDP program has been organized in 6 areas and has successfully graduated 140 ready workforces compete.
Wawan Setiawan as General Manager External Affairs and Sustainable Development (GM ESD) KPC congratulates 16 Kutim youths who successfully completed the WDP Program to the end. Wawan Sure, the provisions learned during training, can become capital for graduates to get job as a Welder.
"Congratulations to the younger brothers and sisters who have completed this training program. We believe, capital this can be a provision to compete in the world of work," said Wawan.
Agus Yustri as one of the Sangatta WDP Participants explained, there are many things that can be learned during the WDP program, starting from FCAW welding techniques and its application correctly and safely, more or less about mining, up to the importance of security and safety during work. "I hope that in the future there will be subsequent programs that make up hr welders ready to work and produce work best for the development of East Kutai Regency," said Agus.
Quality and competitive human resources are very important in support regional development. Realizing this, SSB is always committed to companies can contribute to improving the welfare of society, especially in around the business location. "We hope that in the future the participants can become experts in the field of welding that contributes especially to the growth of Kutai Regency East," Johan concluded.