Response to Climate Change, CKB Group Presents Program CSR Synergy "Cinta Kepada Bumi"

CKB Group's ongoing commitment to responding to climate change while supporting programs government in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs)
SURABAYA, 7 December 2022 – According to a number of scientific studies, mangrove ecosystems are proven able to absorb and store carbon higher for up to millions of years beyond the ability of forests tropical on the mainland. Mangrove known as blue carbon is one of the role holders important in mitigating climate change. Realizing this, logistics service providers integrated PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Group) presented the Corporate Sustainability program Responsible (CSR) "Cinta Kepada Bumi". Activities are centered around the Adventure Land area Romokalisari, City of Surabaya.
Since last January, the CKB Group has been monitoring the initial condition of mangrove vegetation on the land an area of approximately 1 hectare owned by the East Java Provincial Government. This activity involves a number of stakeholders including the involvement of experts and Joint Business Groups (KUB) local community. CKB Group has partnered with 2 KUB consisting of 120 assisted people The Surabaya City Government's Food Security and Agriculture Service to form a community mangrove activists as well as planting and caring for 6000 mangrove tree seedlings. Expected Through this strategic partnership several sustainable development goals can be achieved (SDGs), namely preventing abrasion, preserving biodiversity, reducing the impact of pollution, as well as the potential to produce commodities of economic value from Non-Timber Forest Products (HHBK) based on community empowerment as stated in the mandate of the Ministry of Environment Life and Forestry.
Iman Sjafei, Main Director of PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Group) explained, this program exists is a form of CKB Group's concern and commitment in responding to climate change as well for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the country. "In line with CKB Group's mission to actively involved in society as a good corporate citizen, we always participate seeks to reduce carbon footprint, while supporting government programs in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs), especially in the field of restoring coastal ecosystems." clear Iman.
This activity is the result of CKB Group's collaboration with the East Java Provincial Government as well Surabaya City Government, which is also supported by the synergy of other business entities in the ABM Group. "The implementation of this activity is also thanks to the collaboration with the East Java Provincial Government who also fully supported by other ABM business entities namely PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (PT SSB), PT Cipta Kridatama (PT CK), and PT Prima Wiguna Parama (PT PWP). In addition, this activity also becomes our contribution in encouraging appropriate CSR synergies within the ABM Group ecosystem," he added Iman.
In line with Iman, Andi Djajanegara as the Main Director of PT ABM Investama, the holding company CKB Group, said that the ABM Group always tries to optimize its operations role as a responsible corporate citizen as part of the elements of society. "The implementation of this activity is a real collaboration and a form of synergy within the ABM Group to mutually support each other in building partnerships with all stakeholders, especially in the operational area of East Java," said Andi.
Welcoming the implementation of the Synergy of Cinta Kepada Bumi CSR program, Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si as the Governor of East Java explained that the collaboration and support from various parties are urgently needed to accelerate climate change mitigation efforts. "Forest Mangroves play an important role in climate change mitigation efforts. therefore we really appreciates the presence of the CSR Synergy program "Love for the Earth" initiated by CKB Group. We hope that this activity can provide real benefits for the habitat as well as the ecosystem surroundings and become a trigger for other parties to contribute to carrying out maintenance mangroves throughout Indonesia, including in East Java," said Khofifah.
The implementation of this social responsibility activity is placed in the corridor of sustainability with a goal so that the company can contribute to improving the welfare of the community around the location business, as well as the realization of a harmonious relationship between the company, society and the environment around. "We hope that this activity can inspire more parties to give together contribution in reducing GHG emissions and continuing to preserve our earth's ecosystem especially in the area around CKB's operations," concluded Iman.
In its 25 years of history, CKB Group is committed to implementing a responsible program (CSR) on an ongoing basis. Previously, various CSR programs had also been carried out by CKB Group since the beginning of the year, as a form of support in achieving TPB/SDGs in Indonesia. Among them is distributing educational equipment packages to two elementary schools in Papua, namely at SDN Mulia Puncak Jaya and SDN Wuyuneri Puncak Jaya, support for increasing staff competency teaching at the Autism House, as well as providing Occupational Health and Safety (K3) training as fulfillment of the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Accreditation program, Collateral financing Occupational Health (JKK) for vulnerable workers, groups of teaching staff, to participate in Mangrove forest care program in Balikpapan initiated by PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) together with other ABM business entities.