Celebrating World Mangrove Day, SSB Launches “Saya Sayang Bumi” Program

SSB's concrete steps with ABM Group entities in responding to the issue of climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting the government in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
BALIKPAPAN, July 26, 2022 — Mangroves or popularly known as blue carbon are a type of plant that has a myriad of benefits, especially in maintaining air quality, preventing erosion and abrasion, and as a habitat for the surrounding fauna. Realizing this, an engineering and manufacturing company engaged in the extractive industry, PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) which is part of the ABM Group business entity (IDX: ABMM) presents a Corporate Sustainability Responsible (CSR) program titled Saya Sayang Bumi in order to welcome World Mangrove Day commemoration.
The implementation of this activity is the result of collaboration between the Balikpapan City Government and PT Sanggar Sarana Baja which is also supported by the synergy of the ABM Group business entities operating in the city of Balikpapan, namely PT Cipta Kridatama (CK), PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB), and PT Prima Wiguna Parama (PWP).
Saya Sayang Bumi program which has been running since December 2021 also aims to directly support the Kariangau Village Climate Village Program (Proklim). SSB involved the Balikpapan City Environmental Service and the local fishing communities assisted in maintaining and enriching the mangrove vegetation owned by the Balikpapan City Government in an area of approximately 1.2 hectares. The stages that have been carried out are coordination and planning with the Environmental Service, surveys of initial baseline conditions of mangroves, maintenance and nurseries of mangroves, to regular monitoring of developments and infrastructure improvements.
Johan Budisusetija as Director of PT Sanggar Sarana Baja explained that the Saya Sayang Bumi CSR program is an initiation of the SSB program to respond to environmental risks such as the potential for erosion and abrasion. "This CSR program is a concrete step in collaboration between SSB and other ABM Group business entities, together with the local community (Joint Business Group) owned by fishermen in preserving the environment for the success of the Climate Village Program (Proklim) in the Balikpapan area, especially Kariangau Village," explained Johan.
The appreciation for this program was given by the Balikpapan City Government. Rahmad Mas'ud, S.E., M.E as the Mayor of Balikpapan said that the joint efforts of all stakeholders, as well as coordination and input from various parties, will increase the mangrove vegetation in Balikpapan. “This activity is very positive and can provide real benefits for the habitats and ecosystems in the Wain River, especially in Kariangau, and indirectly on improving the aquatic environment in the Balikpapan city area. Hopefully in the future this collaboration can continue to be improved and similar programs can be created so as to provide broad benefits for the community, "said Rahmad Mas'ud.
In line with the Mayor, Drs. Sudirman Djayaleksana, MM as the Head of the Environmental Service of Balikpapan City also welcomed the program initiated by SSB. “This program proves that SSB really cares about environmental sustainability. On the other hand, it is also proof of SSB's compliance with laws and regulations related to biodiversity sustainability," said Sudirman.
Welcoming the implementation of Saya Sayang Bumi CSR program, Andi Djajanegara as President Director of PT ABM Investama, the parent company of SSB, said that the ABM Group always strives optimally in carrying out its role as a responsible corporate citizen as part of the community element. "The implementation of this activity is a real collaboration and a form of synergy within the ABM Group to support each other in building partnerships with all stakeholders, especially in the East Kalimantan operational area," said Andi.
The ABM Group's seriousness in responding to climate change has been carried out through a series of initiatives. CK has used bio-based fuel (biosolar B30) supplied by PWP for heavy equipment units operating in mining areas and is directly involved in efforts to restore ex-mining land. Meanwhile, CKB uses an electric forklift as a substitute for conventional oil-fueled units in the Bonded Logistics Center (PLB), reuse of wooden pallets and other packaging, as well as beach clean-up activities on the Smacly beach, Balikpapan. ABM Group has also won several awards for its CSR initiatives that have been carried out both in the city of Balikpapan and on a national scale.
“We are very grateful to all partners who have made this program a success. Coinciding with the commemoration of World Mangrove Day, we would like to invite all elements of society to participate in efforts to save our earth, "