Fulfill Good CSR Criteria, ABM Wins 2022 BISRA Award

ABM's steps to continue to deliver effective, impactful, and sustainable CSR programs for companies, communities and the environment
JAKARTA, June 30, 2022 — PT ABM Investama Tbk. (IDX: ABMM) won the Silver Champion in Corporate Social Responsibility Program for the National Private Tbk category at the prestigious annual Bisnis Indonesia Social Responsibility Award (BISRA) 2022. This award was given for ABM's efforts to continuously contribute and have a strong commitment to building quality of life. humans and the environment through CSR programs, as well as supporting the acceleration of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The award ceremony took place in a hybrid manner at the Le Meridien Hotel Sudirman Ballroom, Jakarta and the zoom meeting simultaneously (29/6).
The President Director of ABM, Andi Djajanegara, enthusiastically welcomed the award that ABM had won at this prestigious event. "We hope that the achievement of this award will further strengthen ABM's steps to continue to present effective, impactful, and sustainable CSR programs," said Andi.
Rooted in the philosophy of "Empowering Energy", ABM believes that Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and sustainability should be part of our identity. In this way, ABM can deliver that empowering energy in a sustainable manner from generation to generation. "For this reason, ABM puts forward the concept of "Sustainability House" which in its implementation, the concept is carried out by integrating various aspects, namely environmental, social, and governance (LST/ESG) in daily operations, in line with support for the achievement of the SDGs in Indonesia. ," added Andi.
BISRA 2022 is organized by Bisnis Indonesia in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, which this time comes with the theme “Social Responsibility for Accelerating Economic Recovery.” This award event is intended to give appreciation to companies that are committed to contributing to vulnerable communities and low-income communities, especially during a pandemic and at the same time as a form of support for accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A total of 118 companies, ranging from BUMN, BUMD, national private, foreign private, to start-ups participated in this event.
Bappenas Poverty Alleviation Agency Expert Staff Vivi Yulaswati who was also present on behalf of the minister of Bappenas to give a speech at the opening said, "BISRA needs to be appreciated because it encourages multi-sectoral efforts to reduce vulnerability as well as improve the economy in facing global challenges, especially post-pandemic in order to achieve sustainable development goals ( SDGs)," said Vivi.
Susanto Samsudin as the Jury from the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia explained that every year this appreciation is intended as a learning process and improving best practices. In addition, through this event we also want to inspire partnerships from various parties in supporting the achievement of the SDGs. “The interest of the participants has increased from year to year. This year's nominations are also increasing, including IT companies and startups, as well as ministries of non-business entities. We measure community involvement, continuity of planning and implementation, including program uniqueness, management commitment, volunteerism as plus points,” explained Susanto.
The BISRA 2022 award also adds to a series of achievements that have been received by ABM this year, including ICEA 2022 for the “Corporate Winner” category with a rating of “Excellence in Green and Environmental Management”, “Best innovations and initiatives in global CSR”, corporate winner category, “The best Leadership Focus on CSR Program”, for the CEO of PT ABM Investama Tbk, Public Relations Indonesia Award (PRIA) 2022 with a “Bronze Winner” rating for the Corporate Report category, the Sustainability Report sub-category, to the 2022 Corporate Emissions Award for the category of Corporate Emission Calculation Transparency in the Issuer Sector with a “Gold Award” rating.
“Receiving this award cannot be separated from the hard work of the entire ABM Group family who are always committed to implementing the principle of sustainability in every activity and area around its operations. We hope that in the future we can maintain this achievement and be able to have a positive impact on the environment and society," concluded Andi.