Social and Religion
Programs to visit Orphanage of Remaja Masa Depan, located in Jakarta to provide donation, to interact and to motivate the children conducted by CKB Logistics.
Repairs/renovation of places of worship, completing the facilities of the religious houses and the activities of providing donation for orphans in 15 villages in West Aceh conducted by MDB.
Social donations, by donating eating utensils such as plates and glasses totaling 36 dozens of which to the Balai Adat Dayak during the harvest ceremony in Gunung Raya villa Site ATA, conducted by CK.
Procurement of mattresses, 20 sets of which for the Islamic boarding schools in Kotabangun village conducted by CK.
Construction of mosques, of Baiturahman and small mosque of Darul Falah at Site Arutmin Batulicin conducted by CK together PT Arutmin Tambang Batulicin.