SSB Karianggau held

Training as CSR Pioneer Program in Kalimantan
In carrying out its sustainability business and corporate responsibility to the communities, SSB has implemented a Welding Development Program (WDP) as education and training program in collaboration with Local Government and LPM (Community Empowerment Organisation) which has trained 6 youths of Vocational/STM gratuated from Karianggau as Welder with qualified training of total 403 hours (from December 2017 - February 2018) consisting of 15% theory and 85% practice. In addition, there was also a 36 hour "Coaching" Session that includes learning about overhaul tools and the trainer is Mr. Choirul Arief from SSB Learning & Development Centre.
Frandi Tri Sutoyo as one of the graduates of WDP said that with this program the knowledge received is advanced and very varied. Ahmad (as he called himself) finished from STM, but he thought he learnt more during his training in SSB and he also said, we are taught to establish that "safety first" attitude, always obedient to 5S rules and working as team. Thanks to SSB for the tremendous opportunity given to us.
On this occasion, Lurah Karianggau Bpk. M. Iskandar said that SSB is a company which the CSR initiatis is very valuable and useful for long term in Karianggau. SSB has provided training to increase more competence to youth in Karianggau, so that it can create new job or work in company.
In addition, the Chairman of LPM Bpk. Amirulloh who is an SSB partner in selecting youth in Karianggau who attended this training said that Karianggau as one of the left areas in East Kalimantan, with SSB presence these youths can get an education and training that will contribute more to the area or larger communities.
Site Manager SSB Karianggau, Bpk. Riza Yudhatama, said that Welding Development Program (WDP) is an initiative implemented by SSB throughout its operational areas. WDP has been implemented since 2017, in Karianggau, Kalimantan and in Kuala Kencana, Papua and each year consists of 3 batches, and each batch maximum of 12 participants. This program is very strategic, because in addition to providing a good impact in the community by improving the life skills of the youth in the SSB operational area, and also provides an opportunity for the trainees to have a good work in SSB or other company.