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Public Lecture of D3 Program Study of Company Hygiene, Health (Hiperkes) and Work Safety of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (FK UNS) at Tirtomoyo Jebres campus conducted by CK

Cooperation with various campuses such as UNS Surakarta and Unisba Bandung conducted by CK to mutually assist, to make use of the supporting facilities and to provide the experts with their respective duties and skills.

Donation for learning activities for several schools at kindergarten (TK/TPA), elementary schools (SD) or Islamic schools (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) in local villages in the form of donations and several buses for tour/trips, provided by CK.

The Company realizes that CSR activities we have conducted were not yet optimal and not yet rooted in terms of providing positive contribution for the Company’s reputation. Therefore, we keep on making efforts to seek for programs whose activities are mostly needed to be developed and whose scope of programs needs to be widened so that they would have significant and continuous impact. In the future, CSR activities should not only build the Company’s positive image but should also have long term impact so that all parties, stakeholders in wider scope, who are Indonesians, could have the continuous benefits from it.